Meet DI Callan Cameron
If you’re ever in the north-western part of Scotland in a town called Loch Fuar and see a man dressed from head to toe in black with close-cropped hair, you’ve spotted DI Callan Cameron.
You might feel a bit daunted speaking to him, after all the man is seldom without a scowl on his face. But trust me, he is a cinnamon roll.
Born and raised in Loch Fuar, Callan went off on his own adventures in Edinburgh before returning to police his town. The issue he faces now is boredom.
In this ‘town of saints’, as Callan dubs Loch Fuar, the only crime is a cat who likes to roll around in a neighbour’s garden, and the occasional burglar stupid enough to be caught on CCTV burgling a shop.
But now, with an arrival of a certain someone things have indeed changed.
Rumour has it, when Callan went to the bakery this morning, run by his best friend’s wife who’s made it a point to find the lonesome DI a date, he ran into a brunette. A city sedan with mud coating it’s exterior parked right outside the bakery should have given him a warning of a tourist, but heck, he had needed a sugar fix after dealing with a lost dog that morning. The eejit had found its way onto the bog before Callan had spotted the thing stuck in a puddle.
But aye, apparently, the brunette was not a tourist. She is the grandwean of the local inn owner, an Aileen Mackinnon here from Glasgow. And she’s staying to run the inn.
Of course, Callan has no problem with that. Except maybe the woman is a bit perplexing. Her sedan clearly isn’t rented, and looks expensive enough to boast of a healthy salary. Why the hell would the woman, Ms Mackinnon, move to a small town she hasn’t visited in ages to run a loss-making inn?
Callan is protective of his town and doesn’t like strangers out here to make trouble. Only now, the boredom has been replaced with fear, for his sanity.
The bakery owner, his best friend’s meddlesome wife, thinks Callan took a shine on Aileen, and has made it her job to appraise Callan of Ms Aileen Mackinnon’s misadventures. The brunette is apparently planning to renovate the inn without knowing how to open a damn tub of paint, let alone fix the leaking roof.
He might go in to help, but… As Callan said, ‘Lord help me from that brown-haired, fiery eyed petite woman. What is it with her and looking so… so… so… like… urgh!’
We like to think the man has trouble saying the words: lovely, pretty, beautiful, dateable.
What do you think? Would you like to meet Aileen?