Why purchase from the author?

Why purchase from the author?

You might have seen the wee cart pop up on your screen when you navigated here. Or perhaps you saw the shop on my store and wondered: why must I purchase from the author?

Here’s the thing: you can get your books with your retailer, but before you whisk away and do so, here are a few reasons why buying directly from my store is actually beneficial for you.

You own your books

It might seem like a moot point–“I am purchasing my books from the retailer!”. And you do own these books, as long as you continue to use the same retailer to also read your books.

Recently, I decided to swap my Kindle for a Kobo e-reader. But guess what? None of the books I had purchased on Amazon moved with me to Kobo. And as a reader who is proud of her e-library, that is vexing. Now I have two e-readers just so that I can access all my books even if I paid full price for them!

But when you purchase from the author, you own the ebook file. And that file moves to any device or reading app you decide to move to.

Aye, this is more ebook focused than for print books, but here are other non-ebook reasons why purchasing from the author is a great idea.

Own Your Books

It’s An Experience

While bookshop purchases are centred around books in general, buying from the author focuses on the stories you are purchasing. An author, especially indie authors, have put their heart and soul into every step of the process to make it so you feel their stories than just read them.

So, whether you’re buying physical books or ebooks, the author can share more with you–information about the novel, extra bonuses, swag and much more.

The Next Adventure

You’re Supporting Independence

A bookstore run by an author is like your local fruit seller. They know you, and they care. A retailer is more like the larger superstores where fruits (at least here in the UK) are packaged using plastic and sold in batches. You can’t get one apple, no, you must buy a six-pack 🙄

While you can buy all the books I’ve ever written in one swoop, I promise there are always more surprises on the way. Me, and other authors you buy from, are all invested in giving you the best experience you can have, much like an indie bookseller. Extra discounts, sneak peeks and book swag? An author knows what you like and we deliver:)

Benefits for the authors

You’re the reader, so the goings on in the author space might not interest you. But I’m sure you’ve heard of self-publishing. Most people used to turn their noses at a self-published book. And some still do.

But self-publishing has allowed so many ideas, whether fictional or non-fictional, to spread in the world. Self-published authors, or more appropriately called indie authors, are taking the publishing world by storm. Unlike publishers who must deal with books from various authors, us indies are invested in every word we write. After all, there is no filter or figure of authority who is dictating what we write. No one, but the ultimate decider–you, the reader.

Direct touch with readers

While most indie authors sell books like any other author might (in retailers), I find that most indie authors thrive with direct to reader relationships. At least, I do. Talking to a reader and hearing their thoughts on your book can be eye-opening and exhilarating. And the more I know what a reader likes, the more I can share with them. I love sharing more titbits from my books whether that is sneak peeks on what I’m working on, book swag or something special about the world or characters that I know the reader would enjoy.

When you purchase your book from a retailer, I don’t know that you have indeed bought a book of mine. I don’t know you at all, so how then can I share extras with you?

When you purchase from me, I have the opportunity to share so much more with you. And I get to recommend ways in which you can make the reading experience even better.

Better Royalties

For every book you purchase, a retailer takes their cut before they send royalties to authors. But when you purchase from the author, there is no middleman to take their cut. And that also allows authors to provide you with more curated discounts.

With every direct purchase (with or without a discount), you are directly supporting the author and providing them with the ability to keep writing and sharing their creative output with you. And isn’t that wonderful?

When Red Mist Rises Sale

With that, I think I’ve rambled on long enough. These are the main highlights. The more I choose to shop directly from authors, the more advantages I find.

Yes, there is indeed a learning curve, both for you and the authors. But overtime, I think this empowers the reader and the writer; you can choose what you read, and I can double down on writing more.

Have questions? Leave them in the comments below and I’ll respond as soon as I can!

Do you want to see my store? (I am proud of it 🥹) See it here: Shanafrost.com/shop/

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